Vero Beach High

It's Great To Be A Fighting Indian
Select Image Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
AP College Exam PF031-43 PF031-43 AP College Exam AP College Board :Vero Beach High FIXED Johnson,Michael N/A N/A N/A $99.00
AP Exam / No-Show Fee PF031-69 PF031-69 AP Exam / No-Show Fee No-Show fee for AP exam :Vero Beach High FIXED Johnson,Michael N/A N/A N/A $40.00
AP Exam LATE Registration Fee PF031-68 PF031-68 AP Exam LATE Registration Fee Late Registration Fee :Vero Beach High FIXED Johnson,Michael N/A N/A N/A $40.00
Pay To Participate PF031-2 PF031-2 Athletics Pay To Participate Sports PTP :Vero Beach High FIXED Kendziorski,Candice N/A N/A N/A $85.00
Auto Repair PF031-VAR7 PF031-VAR7 Auto Repair Auto Mechanics :Vero Beach High VARIABLE Campbell,Ronald N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Chad Kouns Memorial Scholarship Fund PF031-VAR13 PF031-VAR13 Chad Kouns Memorial Scholarship Fund Tee shirts are $20.00 each / Donations are open to any amount. Thank you! :Vero Beach High VARIABLE Kouns,Toni N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Cheer - Basketball PF031-70 PF031-70 Cheer - Basketball Uniforms :Vero Beach High FIXED Gonzalez,Vanessa N/A N/A N/A $66.00
Cheer - Basketball Donations PF031-VAR36 PF031-VAR36 Cheer - Basketball Donations Thank you for your support! :Vero Beach High VARIABLE Floyd,Terri N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Chiefs / Staff Shirt PF031-55 PF031-55 Chiefs / Staff Shirt Vero Proud :Vero Beach High FIXED Davila,Carolina N/A N/A N/A $5.00
CLT School Days PF031-61 PF031-61 CLT Test for At-School Self-Pay $34.50 for test fees :Vero Beach High FIXED Johnson,Michael N/A N/A N/A $34.50
Crown Jewel PF031-33 PF031-33 Crown Jewel Band registration fee :Vero Beach High FIXED Kouns,Toni N/A N/A N/A $150.00
Drama Troupe PF031-34 PF031-34 Drama Troupe Drama Troupe Fees :Vero Beach High FIXED Carter,Brandon N/A N/A N/A $175.00
Holiday Party PF031-VAR25 PF031-VAR25 Holiday Party Donations (minimum $10.00 please) :Vero Beach High VARIABLE Davila,Carolina N/A N/A N/A $0.00
HOSA PF031-32 PF031-32 HOSA HOSA dues :Vero Beach High FIXED Staszewski,Ann N/A N/A N/A $30.00
HOSA Tee Shirts PF031-65 PF031-65 HOSA Tee Shirts Short sleeve and long sleeve options :Vero Beach High FIXED Maschhoff,Caroline N/A N/A N/A $10.00
I.D. Badge (FLC) PF031-VAR31 PF031-VAR31 I.D. Badge (FLC) Student ID badge for Freshman :Vero Beach High VARIABLE Patterson,Jessica N/A N/A N/A $0.00
I.D. Badge (MC) PF031-VAR32 PF031-VAR32 I.D. Badge (MC) Student I.D. badges for Main Campus :Vero Beach High VARIABLE Plate,Jennifer N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Indian Outfitters PF031-VAR8 PF031-VAR8 Indian Outfitters School Spirit Items :Vero Beach High VARIABLE Teske,Addie N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Laptop Charger PF031-23 PF031-23 Laptop Charger Charger obligations :Vero Beach High FIXED Kouns,Toni N/A N/A N/A $33.00
Laptop Obligation PF031-19 PF031-19 Laptop Obligation Laptop obligation for damaged unit :Vero Beach High FIXED Kouns,Toni N/A N/A N/A $400.00
Library Obligations PF031-VAR2 PF031-VAR2 Library Obligations Media / Library only :Vero Beach High VARIABLE Milliman,Julie N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Math Team PF031-35 PF031-35 Math Team Dues Club dues :Vero Beach High FIXED White,Sherry N/A N/A N/A $45.00
Obligations PF031-VAR1 PF031-VAR1 Obligations All obligations due to VBHS :Vero Beach High VARIABLE Watson,Karin N/A N/A N/A $0.00
PARKING PF031-28 PF031-28 PARKING Parking Permit. Please take a screen shot of your receipt for faster service on obtaining your parking sticker. :Vero Beach High FIXED Plate,Jennifer N/A N/A N/A $40.00
PARKING Option 2.  (One Coupon) PF031-53 PF031-53 PARKING Level 3 State Testing Discount Please take a screenshot of your purchase for faster processing. :Vero Beach High FIXED Plate,Jennifer N/A N/A N/A $30.00
PARKING Option 3. (Two Coupons) PF031-54 PF031-54 PARKING Level 4 State Testing Discount Please take a screenshot of your purchase for faster processing. :Vero Beach High FIXED Plate,Jennifer N/A N/A N/A $20.00
Parking Option 4. PF031-64 PF031-64 Parking Level 5 State Testing Discount Please take a screenshot for faster lines to show receipt. :Vero Beach High FIXED Plate,Jennifer N/A N/A N/A $10.00
ROTC PF031-VAR14 PF031-VAR14 ROTC AF JROTC FL-0043 :Vero Beach High VARIABLE Rasdall,Dean N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Scholar Ceremony / Pride of the Tribe PF031-VAR17 PF031-VAR17 Scholar Ceremony / Pride of the Tribe Please answer each question above. If it does not refer to your donation or advertisement, please type "NO". You cannot get past this point unless you answer each one. Thank you! :Vero Beach High VARIABLE Davila,Carolina N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Soccer / Boys RCC Tournament PF031-67 PF031-67 Soccer / Boys RCC Tournament Registration fee :Vero Beach High FIXED Fonehouse,Chris N/A N/A N/A $1,000.00
Soccer / Boys Turkey Cup PF031-66 PF031-66 Soccer / Boys Turkey Cup Registration fee :Vero Beach High FIXED Fonehouse,Chris N/A N/A N/A $250.00
Soccer / Boys PF031-VAR27 PF031-VAR27 Soccer / Boys VBHS Boys Soccer Sponsorship Drive 24-25 Sponsorship Drive for Boys Soccer :Vero Beach High VARIABLE Fonehouse,Chris N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Swim Team Banquet PF031-VAR35 PF031-VAR35 Swim Team Banquet Dec. 17th, 2024 at Pointe West Country Club. 6:00/ $39.00 per adult / $25.00 for 12 & under. :Vero Beach High VARIABLE Mcclain,Holly N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Swim Team Shirts PF031-VAR21 PF031-VAR21 Swim Team Shirts The photo is not the actual shirt. :Vero Beach High VARIABLE Mcclain,Holly N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Transcripts / Alumni PF031-9 PF031-9 Transcripts / Alumni Transcripts for Alumni :Vero Beach High FIXED Watson,Karin N/A N/A N/A $4.00
Transcripts for Seniors PF031-22 PF031-22 Transcripts for Seniors Transcripts for Current Seniors :Vero Beach High FIXED Watson,Karin N/A N/A N/A $2.00
Wrestling / Boys PF031-VAR33 PF031-VAR33 Wrestling / Boys Boys Wrestling Team :Vero Beach High VARIABLE Moses,Villapando N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Wrestling / Girls PF031-VAR24 PF031-VAR24 Wrestling / Girls Wrestling donations, dues ect. :Vero Beach High VARIABLE Colao,Kenneth N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Yearbooks PF031-VAR19 PF031-VAR19 Yearbooks Yearbooks from previous years not listed on this site. 2017 is $25.00 :Vero Beach High VARIABLE Potter,Jennifer N/A N/A N/A $0.00
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